Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Job Vaacancies Petroselat

8 positions for Engineer & Geologist
PETROSELAT Ltd., operator of Selat Panjang Block PSC, onshore Riau Province, has immediate openings for the following positions to support its fast growing production and new field development activities:

1. Senior Petroleum Engineer
2. Senior Reservoir Engineer
3. Senior Production Engineer
4. Field Superintendent
5. Drilling Engineer
6. Facility Engineer
7. Chief Geologist
8. Senior Geophysicist

Interested applicants must have the following requirements:
• Fluent in English for both oral and written.
• Experience no.: 5,6,8 positions: minimum 10 years in oil & gas industry
• Experience no.: 1,2,3,4,7 positions: minimum 15 years in oil & gas industry
• Minimum S1 degree from related disciplines
Please write name of position on lop Right of your application letter. Qualified candidates are encouraged to send CV/RESUME to Petroselat HR-Recruitment: email to: or mail/deliver to Petroselat Ltd., Wisma BSG 11th Floor, Jl. Abdul Muis No. 40, Jakarta Pusat 10160, latest by September 31, 2010. Only short listed applicants will be contacted for interviews.

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